Dear Valued Clients, We are writing to acknowledge the significant increase in new account opening requests we have received recently. We appreciate your interest in our bank and apologize for any delays you may be experiencing. Our dedicated team is working diligently to process all applications as promptly and efficiently as possible. To expedite the process, we kindly request that you complete the online account opening form available on our website. A member of our team will contact you to discuss your application further. We understand the importance of timeliness and appreciate your patience as we continue to expand our account opening capacity. We are committed to providing a smooth and efficient experience for all our clients. Thank you for your continued interest in VTB. 尊敬的客户, 近期我行收到了大量的业务申请,对此我们深表感谢。我行团队正竭力并高效地处理所有申请,但仍可能造成些许延迟,对此我们深感抱歉。 为了加快开户流程,烦请您在我们的网站上填写在线开户表格提交后,我行工作人员将尽快与您联系,进一步商讨您的申请事宜。 非常感谢您的耐心。我行正着力提升账户开通能力,致力于为所有客户提供顺畅、高效的体验。 感谢您一直以来对VTB的关注。

Account opening / 账户开立

Basic info / 基础信息

Information of shareholders / 股东信息

Information of beneficial owners / 实益拥有人

Main counterparties / 主要交易对手

Additional info / 附加信息

Contact details / 联系方式

I agree with the processing of personal data / 我同意处理个人数据 *